Businessman with tablet


v2.6.0 – in development


  • New grouping by "Phase label" in master/live cockpit
  • User-specific duration format (e.g. for displaying days)

User interface

  • Breadcrumb navigation
  • New headline design with visual highlighting of master and live views
  • Design upgrades on certain pages
    • Administration -> Special actions
    • Administration -> Users -> Import
    • Planning -> Downtimes -> Add

Bug fix

  • Logged-in users with a valid session are redirected to the standard view when the root/login URL is called up (e.g. in a new browser tab)


  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 21 or higher required

v2.5.0 – 11/30/2024


  • Bulk operations for live tasks, such as setting the status DONE for all tasks where the corresponding master task has already been deleted
  • Extension of the mail placeholders to include %LIVE_PLAN% and %LIVE_PLAN_DESC%

User interface

  • Small visual optimizations in the gantt chart

Bug fix

  • Milestones are displayed in the correct phase label in the gantt chart

v2.4.0 – 07/15/2024


  • The current version of master/live tasks is listed in the planning activity and execution activity reports
  • The logic of the time period filter (start and end time) has been optimized. The new logic shows all tasks that have any overlap with the time period.

User interface

  • The header area of the CutoverManager has been changed to a blue background and the navigation to a white font
  • The quick navigation has a gray background
  • A smaller font size can be set for tables in the user customizations
  • In the bulk function for deleting downtimes, all downtimes can be selected via a checkbox
  • After creating a master/live plan, a dialog with further information is displayed in which the plan can be selected directly as a convenient function
  • After selecting a schedule, a confirmation message is displayed
  • Display a loading animation until the resource matrix is fully loaded
  • Display a loading animation until the gantt chart is fully loaded

Bug fix

  • The "Next action" column in the Live Cockpit allows the status transition from POSTPONED_WAIT/POSTPONED_CONTINUE to INITIATED
  • The sorting of the "Task ID" column in the reports and the notification log is numerical
  • The resource matrix is displayed correctly with Firefox
  • When exceeding the maximum allowed tasks, tasks can be deleted via the bulk function
  • The date filters in the management view work
  • The CSV export in the live resource matrix is displayed and works
  • The resource matrix takes downtimes into consideration
  • The CSV export takes the filter settings into consideration


  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.3

v2.3.0 – 06/02/2024


  • Bulk operations for deleting downtimes
  • When synchronizing tasks, the fix timestamp can be automatically adjusted to the difference between the start timestamp of the master plan and the live plan

User interface

  • More flexible entry of a duration (e.g. 45h instead of 1 day and 21h)

Bug fix

  • Importing a master plan, the user allocation works correctly
  • The delete icons are displayed correctly for each role
  • The correct error message is displayed when an invalid duration is entered

v2.2.0 – 03/29/2024


  • User-specific access protection to master plans using the "User allocation" function
    • A new role "USER_ALLOCATION" is allowed to technically implement the user allocation to master plans
    • New submenu item "User assignment" in the Administration menu
    • The access protection of the master plans is inherited by the live plans created from them
    • A master plan without a user allocation can be accessed by all users
    • A new data quality check that identifies users who are involved in the plan but do not have access to it
  • When a user is deactivated, their session is automatically deleted, which results in the user being logged out
  • When saving a live task, a task owner can directly select the next status action (start, postpone or done), which is executed at the same time as saving

User interface

  • The user view has a new column "MASTER_PLANS", which shows the master plans for which the user is responsible or informed for at least one task
  • Performance optimizations
    • The user view loads faster
    • The user group view loads faster

Bug fix

  • The filter remains set when a task is deleted

v2.1.0 – 01/06/2024


  • A user can reset their password independently via the "Forgot password" process
  • The statistics overview can be filtered
  • New "Actions" column in the master cockpit to be able to edit (clone, manage attachments etc.) the task directly in a new browser tab
  • When saving a master task, an action (add new task or clone task) can be selected, which is executed after successful saving
  • User groups can be created without a user AND a mail address, which is particularly helpful when creating generic plans

User interface

  • In the Live Cockpit in the Predecessor column, the status is displayed for each ID in the tooltip in addition to the name
  • When creating a live plan, a note text is displayed if at least one task does not have a responsible person
  • Performance optimizations
    • A master task in the change view is loaded faster
    • The table in the master task view loads faster
    • Multi-select boxes are loaded faster
    • The icons in the master tasks/cockpit and live cockpit tables can be replaced with bullet points and letters on a user-specific basis so that the tables load faster

Bug fix

  • The mail log saves the customized recipients for an individual mail
  • Unexpected system errors are displayed correctly

v2.0.0 – 10/15/2023


  • Forward and backward navigation within the task history view
  • Master tasks that have adjusted fixed times in the live plan due to a dress rehearsal are no longer listed during task synchronization
  • The Role TASK_RECEIVER is allowed to view the gantt chart
  • More understandable error messages during master plan import
  • Additional mail placeholders to send the execution comment, the execution comment from the responsible persons and a link back to the user dashboard
  • The filter function "Group by" is available in the Live Cockpit
  • The selected values of the Label, User and User Group filters can be switched individually when filtering from included (previous function) to excluded (new function)

User interface

  • New user interface for a better and more modern user experience
  • Responsive design (optimized for large monitors with a high screen resolution)
  • Keyboard navigation in tables
  • Performance improved when loading tables with many tasks

Bug fix

  • The Master Label Synchronization view is displayed correctly
  • In case of an error during the master plan import, the master plan is deleted
  • The gantt chart works with tabulators in task name
  • The filter function "Group by" works with deactivated buffer times in the plan

v1.15.0 – 07/08/2023


  • New Live Labels view, which clearly displays the labels associated with a Live Plan

User interface

  • In the change view of a master task, the master plan is displayed
  • In the change view of a master label, the master plan is displayed

Bug fix

  • A master label can be deleted if an associated live label exists
  • When saving master tasks/labels, a check for data inconsistency is performed
  • The error message for a "Concurrent change" of a task is displayed correctly
  • The error message in case of an "input error" of a live task is displayed correctly
  • Increased error tolerance of business errors in the plan calculation


  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 17 or higher required
  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 3

v1.14.0 – 03/25/2023


  • Tasks can be defined as interruptible, which means that they are not processed in one piece, but over several consecutive periods of time between downtimes
  • The calculation of the end times can be seen in the cockpit views
  • Importing a master plan does not take into account the upper and lower case (case-insensitive) of usernames and user group names
  • The bulk operations "User exchange" and "User group exchange" can be additionally restricted by a label

User interface

  • The header in the gantt chart with date and time values remains fixed when scrolling
  • In the gantt chart, the current time is displayed with a dashed vertical line
  • In the Master Cockpit, a hint to press the filter button is NO longer displayed if the number of master tasks in the plan is greater than 500
  • New columns "PLAN/IS END PROTOCOL and END BUFFER PROTOCOL" in the cockpit views

Bug fix

  • The bulk operation "User replacement" deletes the old user instead of a replacement, if the new user (at the position of the old user) is already stored at the task
  • The bulk operation "User group replacement" deletes the old user group instead of a replacement, if the new user group (at the position of the old user group) is already stored at the task
  • The Live Cockpit displays the correct icon for phase labels
  • In the Master Cockpit and the gantt charts, the selection option of the filter attributes is correctly determined when using the chain function
  • In the "Execution Activity" report, when exporting (CSV), the informed users and user groups are exported also for the current version of a task


  • Server compression (gzip) is enabled by default
  • No more support of Oracle databases

v1.13.0 – 01/05/2023


  • File attachments
    • Saving file attachments to a master/live task
    • Sending the file attachments by mail (can be deactivated via the system settings)
    • Deviating file attachments maintainable on a live task without synchronization
    • New column "Attachments" selectable in many tables, which shows the attachments and includes a direct download link
  • New (quick) filter "Chain" in the Master/Live Cockpit and Gantt Chart to display all successor/predecessor tasks and their successors/predecessors starting from a selected task
  • Export of the mail log
  • In the master task view the columns "LABELS", "USERS", "USER GROUPS", "INFORMED USERS" and "INFORMED USER GROUPS" are selectable
  • In the report tables, it is possible to uniquely filter for an ID using the search bar and the abbreviation "id:xy;"
  • On the page "Management Plan" can be filtered

User interface

  • The menu item "User" has been renamed to "Profile"
  • Unification of icons in general
  • Unification of icons (customization, refresh and reset) and links next to the search bar of a table
  • When editing a live task, an appropriate status transition graphic is displayed for a milestone
  • When making a concurrent change in the live cockpit, an error text is displayed instead of a new page with the error text
  • New column "COMPARISON" with a link at the planning and activity report that shows the comparison of the two listed versions
  • More understandable error messages when importing a master plan

Bug fix

  • The back button works in the task history comparison
  • The correct quick navigation is displayed at the "Master Downtime Import" page
  • A task ID is assigned only once, even if the task has been deleted

v1.12.0 – 10/22/2022


  • When merging master plans, it can be decided individually whether the downtimes of the source plan are to be taken over as well
  • When merging master plans, placeholders in the source plan can be replaced on a user-specific basis
  • When splitting a master plan, it can be decided individually whether the downtimes are to be copied to the new plan
  • When exporting a master plan (JSON), all associated users are exported as well
  • When importing a master plan (JSON), the users contained in the load file are created directly if the loading user also has the ADMIN role
  • Users can be exported and imported in JSON
  • Downtimes can be exported and imported in JSON
  • Sending a deviation mail (e.g. in case of delay) to the defined recipients of a task. The content of the mail is configurable as a mail template.
  • Sending an individual mail for a task
    • Recipients are changeable
    • Subject is changeable
    • Body is changeable
    • Placeholders can be used

User interface

  • New Kanban view in the live cockpit and user dashboard, where the table columns correspond to the status values of a live task
  • The password change is separated from the rest of the user settings (e.g. the language setting) via a separate mask
  • The bulk operations can be accessed via a direct link in the planning menu
  • The "Master Cockpit", "Live Cockpit", "Milestones", "Management Plan" and "Dashboard" views have each received two links with the "Refresh" and "Reset Filter" functionality

Bug fix

  • In the Planning Activity report, the history of deleted tasks is preserved (not retroactively)
  • Mails are sent when a task has ONLY informed users and/or user groups
  • In the "relative master task" and "label to master tasks" views, selected tasks are saved correctly when using the table search bar additionally
  • Optimized mail sending algorithm to avoid throttling (maximum sending rate exceeded)
  • When creating a new user, the mandatory field "Password" is checked correctly

v1.11.1 – 07/23/2022

User interface

  • In the Master Cockpit, Live Cockpit and Dashboard, the timestamps are displayed in the "START", "END", "PLAN-START", "PLAN-END", "IS-START", "IS-END" columns with the individual user settings and wrapped between date and time

Bug fix

  • In the error view (e.g. with an expired license) navigation via the menu was no longer possible
  • During a REDIRECT (e.g. when activating a plan) unnecessary attributes were added to the URL
  • In the Master Cockpit the column "Informed user groups" could not be displayed
  • Mail sending also works for exclusively user group responsible with ONLY user group mail addresses
  • In the milestone view, the traffic light colors are sometimes not displayed correctly
  • In the dashboard, the word INITIATE was displayed twice as the next action

v1.11.0 – 06/29/2022


  • The role TASK_RECEIVER is allowed to view the master plan, as well as the associated tasks and labels
  • The role TASK_RECEIVER is allowed to change the long description of tasks if he is directly or through a user group indirectly responsible for the task. With the substitute mode active, the substitute is also allowed to change the description.
  • The TASK_RECEIVER role is allowed to read any live task
  • The TASK_RECEIVER role is allowed to record its execution comment and progress percentage in the live task
  • Technical users who do not need a first name, last name and email address
  • When exporting/importing a master schedule (JSON), all associated rest periods are also exported/imported
  • Multiple entry of the same weekly downtimes in a specific time window, based on an example week

User interface

  • Gantt chart and phase plan have been merged. The view now allows to display any combination of tasks, milestone and phase.
  • New column "EXPIRED DURATION" in percent in the live cockpit (automatic calculation)
  • New column "EXECUTION COMMENT" and "PROGRESS [%]" in the live cockpit
  • The tasks in the master/live cockpit are sorted in the following order:
    • Earliest start time
    • Earliest end time
    • Alphabetically by business key
    • Ascending by task ID

Bug fix

  • In the English language version the wrong heading Master Downtime was displayed instead of Live Downtime
  • In the live gantt chart, the arrow to the milestone was displayed incorrectly


  • SpringBoot, JDBC drivers and other dependencies have been updated

v1.10.0 – 01/30/2022


  • Communication with surrounding systems via messaging (RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ)
  • Bulk operations for deleting, deactivating and changing roles of multiple users simultaneously
  • When loading a master plan in JSON, user groups can now be loaded additionally
  • Export master plan in JSON
  • New mail placeholder UUID

User interface

  • New User Relationships view that shows the user's relationships to their user groups, master tasks, and live tasks
  • The System Log view now displays all log entries in descending order. That means the newest entries are displayed first.
  • The Mail Log view is renamed to Notification Log and now displays the messaging log in addition to the mail log
  • When uploading tasks, the selection to keep the order to the predecessors is set to YES by default

Bug fix

  • Synchronization of multiple master tasks possible, at least 2 of which have a NEW label that does not yet exist in the live plan
  • The Special Actions view displays the correct quick navigation bar
  • Display of all time zones with their corresponding regions
  • No multiple sending of emails without status change
  • AUTO execution mode initiates a live task in POSTPONED_WAIT or POSTPONED_CONTINUE status only when a new start timestamp is specified
  • Visualized tasks in the gantt chart start at the correct time in the one-hour scale


  • The URL parameters (GET and POST) are now only logged in the DEBUG log level



  • Store a business key as further task attribute. In opposite to the technical key, a business key is unique across system boundaries and is managed and maintained by the user.
  • The display format of a user in tables is analog to the timestamp format customizable

User interface

  • The selection list values in the filter bar are pre-filtered to values that exist in the plan
  • Browser autocompletion by date/time picker input fields are deactivated

Bug fix

  • The datepicker format now corresponds to the user customized format



  • Import a complete master plan with hundreds of tasks, dependencies, users and groups via a JSON file
  • Time slice scaling of the resource matrix from 1 hour to 24 hours
  • Split an existing master plan into two separate master plans based on selected labels

User interface

  • Next action countdown in the dashboard view shows days
  • Number of time slices in the resource planning in the dashboard view is limited to 168
  • A note is shown to press the filter button if the number of master tasks is greater than 500 (performance optimization) on the pages master task overview and cockpit view

Bug fix

  • Resource planning in the dashboard view ignores tasks in the state DONE
  • Resource planning in the dashboard view doesn't show time slices in the past
  • Users of a responsible user group are allowed to execute the next action of a live task by email link
  • Users of a responsible user group are allowed to execute the next action of a live task in the dashboard view


  • A license key can allow 999.999 tasks now



  • Bulk operations to delete multiple tasks at once and all tasks with a specific label
  • New live cockpit filter that shows all tasks with an upcoming next action
  • Special action to fast-forward a live plan until a specified timestamp in the event of a crisis situation where you have to switch the plan
  • Administrator can set the from mail address in the configuration and lock the change option

User interface

  • Milestones are displayed in bold in the master task view
  • Milestones are displayed as diamond symbol in gantt-chart
  • Added a note on pages where you have to press the filter button first before the content is displayed
  • New column RELATED_MASTER_PLAN in live plan view that shows the corresponding master plan
  • The special actions page also direct links to the upload user, user groups and task pages

Bug fix

  • Next task calculation time in dashboard view is zero seconds if the task is already initiated
  • SHORT_DESCRIPTION column shows the correct value in all table views
  • Adjusted action link urls to be compatible with load balancer settings


User interface

  • New milestone quick filter in cockpit views
  • Short description and description values are shown with line breaks in table views

Bug fix

  • Missing table row background-colors
  • Every data set in upload file is protected against same label or user group values
  • SHORT_DESCRIPTION column in task history table views the correct value



  • Bulk operations to remove/replace user, user groups or labels
  • CSV-Upload for user, user groups and tasks
  • Substitute mode
  • New data quality check: task with deactivated user

User interface

  • New synchronization page that combines the task, label und downtime synchronizations
  • Error text is shown by simultaneous change instead of redirecting to an error page
  • Milestone page and management plan now accessible via the menu structure (execution) and quick navigation

Bug fix

  • Saving of table properties is changed from 2 hours to unlimited
  • Traffic light colors now also work when a milestone is in OPEN state and the end time is in the past



  • Master plans can be merged
  • Extended filter functions, whereby additionally the values within a filter (e.g. label filter) can be linked AND/OR.

User interface

  • Saving of table properties
    • Display length
    • Pagination position
    • Search field
    • Column sorting

Bug fix

  • Display filter is considered during CSV export
  • Predecessors and successors are exported in CSV export with the delimiter ','
  • Wrong filter order in the combination task limitation and live cockpit filter fixed



  • Planning activity report that shows all master task modifications in chronologically order (export as csv available)
  • Execution activity report that shows all live task modifications in chronologically order (export as csv available)
  • Informed users and user groups can be added to task and serve as CC recipients in mails
  • Task limitation in the live cockpit as user customization to increase performance
  • A label can be added to n-tasks in one step
  • Live plan can be exported (csv) in the live cockpit

User interface

  • Each customizable table has an icon next to the search bar with a quick link to the customization view
  • Further time difference method by displaying the difference between now and the timestamp of the initiated task
  • Further quick filter in the live cockpit to show delayed (> 5min) start tasks
  • Tooltip with task names for successor and predecessor tasks in the cockpit views
  • Added a back button to the live task history view
  • Modified task history column names from modified date, modified by, created date and modified date to version created date and version created by
  • Cockpit and task to relative task tables can now show the column's milestone, management relevant and monitored
  • Cockpit tables show an info panel (bottom left) that reflects the total number of shown tasks
  • Dashboard view shows also tasks where the logged-in user is informed or member of an informed user group

Bug fix

  • Filters are kept by using the status action link in the live cockpit
  • Fixed hidden customization table if no column is selected
  • All modifications in the live task write a history entry
  • Fixed table width by master cockpit group by function
  • Fixed task link by exceeding working time


  • Minimal java version to run the application is 11
  • Changed csv export encoding from utf8 to windows-1252
  • A license key can allow 99999 tasks now



  • Definition of downtimes (holidays, closing time etc.) in which tasks may to start and/or end
  • Checking the data quality (e.g. cycle recognition, task without responsible person etc.) of a maser plan
  • Display of overtime in the resource matrix
  • Synchronization of tasks possible without overwriting a fix timestamp
  • New columns (START_LOG, START_BUFFER_LOG etc.) in the master and live cockpit for displaying the start time calculation

User interface

  • The user settings view has been revised
  • The back buttons no longer have a standard return point

Bug fix

  • Minor display errors (e.g. line breaks) fixed
  • Management plan can no longer select a STATUS_ACTION column via the user-specific customization
  • Correct sorting by ID in the master task overview
  • Filter for setting the next upcoming tasks in the live cockpit is displayed
  • Correct display of buffer times in the master cockpit
  • Deleting elements is only possible with write access to the element



  • Activate/deactivate buffer times in the master and live plan introduced
  • User-specific customizations in layout and tables now possible

User interface

  • View the task history on a separate page
  • Tables scroll in horizontal direction when too many columns are displayed
  • Menu items remain unfolded when by clicking on them (easier tablet usage)

Bug fix

  • NPE in the live statistics when displaying a plan WITHOUT tasks


  • Scalable by storing the user session in the database



  • Automatic initiation of tasks in the live schedule (execution mode: AUTO) now possible
  • Creation of a phase plan introduced
  • User dashboard (own tasks and statistics) introduced
  • New master and live cockpit views introduced
  • Automatic refresh of live cockpit, management plan and milestone view now possible
  • Additional view for setting relative tasks introduced
  • New scaling from 1 hour to 4 weeks introduced in all gantt charts
  • New date format for displaying weekdays (TTT TT.MM.YYYY) introduced
  • Mail template for milestone mails introduced
  • State change links implemented in TASK_RECEIVER mails
  • Mail log per live plan introduced for traceability of sent mails
  • Mail test button introduced to check mail configuration

Bug fix

  • Sorting date fields in tables
  • In German language the week start in date selection is Monday